These cheers will be used for both Football and Basketball seasons.
Click here for a print-out of the cheers.
1. C-A-V-A-L-I-E-R-S, We are the Cavaliers ***and we are the best.
2. Cav Fans in the stands, stand up and clap your hands
3. Cavalier Rumble
4. Gimme a C (C), Gimme a J (J), Gimme a H (H), CJH
5. Clap your hands, stomp your feet
6. Go Big Orange
7. Go Fight Win
8. Old School Spirit
9. Pump it up, go hey, go hey
10. Raise your hands (234), Stomp your feet, CJH just can't be beat
11. Spirit Line
12. We Say Coldwater
13. Who's got the Beat
14. Y-E-L-L
15. Pump, pump, pump it up