
Reminders for the Game at Delphos TOMORROW (9/1)

REMINDERS FOR THE GAME TOMORROW (September 1st at Delphos):

-Uniforms to school tomorrow with PLAIN BLACK liners, all hair up and bows in!

-Meet after school in the Pound at 3:05. 

-Walk over to the stadium TOGETHER. 

-The bus LEAVES at 3:30 from the stadium. 

-7th grade rides 7th grade bus, 8th grade rides 8th grade bus. 

-Bring your parade outfit (tank top, shorts and black sports bra).

-Make sure nail polish is the correct colors.

-Make sure you are well-behaved and respectful on the bus. Tell the driver thank you, clean up after yourselves and ignore the boys!

-Bring a snack for yourself and/or money for the concession stand. 

-Don't forget that your poms are in my car...no panicking thinking you lost them!

I will meet you in Delphos as soon as possible. I can't leave school until 3:40 but should just be a few minutes behind you.


Back To School

Hey All,
I hope you enjoy the last two remaining days of your summer. This is just a reminder that cheer practice will be after school in the Pound from 4:00-5:30 this week on Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure you have rides arranged right at 5:30 or a little before, as I have things I have to get to Monday and Tuesday evening. Again, no practice on Wednesday and our first game is Thursday at home with 7th grade starting at 5pm.

Have a great weekend!


Brief Reminders

This is just a friendly reminder to bring poms, cheer folders, list of sideline cheers, a highlighter and the new handbook to practice tomorrow. Also, if the parent signature sheet has been signed off on and re-dated for the new handbook that was passed out last Thursday, please bring that back as well. 

Don't forget we will be going over the Coldwater sideline cheers tomorrow and going through offense and defense sidelines this week (these should be ready to go before Friday). The first 20 Coldwater sideline cheer videos are on Facebook and on the YouTube channel (the link can be found on Facebook). I will be uploading videos to the Blogspot page tonight. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



Picnic Weekend Reminders

Just a few quick reminders before Picnic weekend officially arrives!

- Parade practice tomorrow from 2:30-5:00pm in the Pound. Basketball girls, we will more than likely not take the whole 2 1/2 hours for parade practice, so you may leave when we finish if you would like!

- ALL cheerleaders need to bring a bag of candy for the parade, either to practice tomorrow or to the parade on Sunday. Remember it's going to be hot, so try to stay away from things that will melt and also things that break (as we will be throwing candy out during the parade).

- We will meet at the old LaGrande on Seventh Street at 12 noon for the parade. We are STARTING at noon, so please come a little early...don't be late! Don't forget, your parade outfit will be worn for the parade and to work in the Fun Tent from 3-5pm. You must have ALL hair up and your new bows in with light colored shoes (preferably not your new shoes but if you don't have anything else, that's fine). You'll also need a water bottle with your name on it for the parade, as well.

- We sent home information for laundry detergent today as well as picture packets. Let me know if you have any questions about either of those items.

- Lastly, ENJOY THE PICNIC this weekend, but remember, you are a constant representative of Coldwater Cheerleading, your school, squad and yourselves. Make good choices, smart decisions and don't do anything you wouldn't want your grandparents to know about (silly, I know...). Have fun, enjoy the weekend and be SMART! 😁