
Cheer Camp

Cheer camp starts this Monday the 29th.

Monday-9-3.... Pack your lunch or bring money to go to Subway, or else where. You get a hour lunch! 

 Bring water bottles, and folders. I can't technically make this mandatory but I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU COME. As we will be learning cheers ,doing Hello cheers, team bonding and much more. Its a great way to get ready for season and to get to know the other cheerleaders and myself. I can't wait to see hopefully all of you!!
Coach Betsy


Open Gym Wednesday the 24th

Cheerleaders, i will be having a open gym this Wednesday at 12-2:30. This is kind of last notice so please try to let other cheerleaders know if you see them. This will be are last open gym for everybody and football cheer camp will start the last week in July. I will be working on calendars and be posting them. Thanks, Coach Betsy


Cheerleaders, Open gym is tomorrow from 3-5pm. Uniform fittings are at 5(football). You can pick up your Varsity Spirit orders at this time.( bball and football) Thanks Coach Betsy