
NO Open Gym Monday

 There will be NO open gym this upcoming Monday June 24th. However, I will be up at the school between ten and four if you have money orders and signed agreement plans to hand in yet. ( if you can't find me in the school, just bring them to the office) .. I will reschedule another open gym at a later date. 
Thank you
Coach Betsy


Open gym time change, reminders


TIME CHANGE-Open Gym this Wednesday (the 19th) will be from 12-2:30.
-at open gym, there will be sign up sheets for Football Concessions( each cheerleader will have to sign up for one) and for the Community Picnic Fun Tent.
-There will also be a parade sign up for those wishing to participate.

-Please note that if you have any problems with the schedule this summer, contact me, i will be more then willing to help out with any conflict. 

Reminders: JUNE 24th
-Varsity spirit orders=Money Due$$
-Plan agreement forms=signed papers Due

-Physicals June 26th 

Coach Betsy


Open Gyms

Looking forward to seeing all of you at Open Gyms! Hope you can come!

June 10th & 24th from 12-2:30 p.m.

June 19th from 12 to 3

Please bring your folders, tennis shoes, & a great attitude!

Remember to go to Physicals on June 26th!

Coach Betsy